You searched for: “mineral matter
mineral matter
1. The material in coal from which ash is formed.
2. Material in coal that is not formed from decomposed plant products; that is, minerals that were present in the original plant materials or that were assimilated from extraneous sources; such as, sediments and mineralized water.

Clay, pyrite, and calcite are minerals often present in coal.

This entry is located in the following units: materi- (page 2) mineral + (page 1)
(Greek: stone, rock; hard consolidated mineral matter; hard matter formed from mineral and earth material; hard substance that is solid)
Word Entries containing the term: “mineral matter
mineral-matter-free basis
A standard for evaluating coal quality, assuming that all mineral matter has been removed from it, leaving "pure" coal.
This entry is located in the following units: materi- (page 2) mineral + (page 1)